PostSharpAPI ReferencePost­Sharp.​AspectsIEvent­Interception­AspectOn­Add­Handler
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IEventInterceptionAspect.OnAddHandler Method


Method invoked instead of the Add semantic of the event to which the current aspect is applied, i.e. when a new delegate is added to this event.

void OnAddHandler(EventInterceptionArgs args)
Type Name Description
EventInterceptionArgs args

Handler arguments.


This advice does not intercept the initializer of a field-like event. If you want to intercept the adding of all handlers, do not use event initializers and instead add the initial handler in the constructor.


Because of the way how the C# compiler implements field-like events (i.e. events where you don't implement the Add and Remove semantics manually), the Invoke Event Handler semantic ( OnInvokeHandler(EventInterceptionArgs) or equivalent) shall not be invoked for delegates that have been added from inside the class that declares this event.