MetalamaAPI documentationAspect APIMetalama.​Framework.​AdvisingIImplement­Interface­Advice­Result
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IImplementInterfaceAdviceResult Interface

Represents the result of the ImplementInterface(INamedType, INamedType, OverrideStrategy, object?) method. The result can be used to introduce interface members using the extension methods in AdviserExtensions.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Advising
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public interface IImplementInterfaceAdviceResult : IAdviceResult


Name Description

Gets an IAdviser<T> allowing to introduce explicit members to the primary implemented interface. For introducing memebers to its base interfaces, use the Interfaces property.


Gets a list of interface members specified using InterfaceMemberAttribute that were considered when implementing the given interface.


Gets a list of interfaces that were considered when implementing the given interface.