MetalamaAPI documentationAspect APIMetalama.​Framework.​AspectsEditor­Experience­Attribute
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EditorExperienceAttribute Class

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Aspects
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public sealed class EditorExperienceAttribute : Attribute


Name Description


Name Description

Gets or sets the title of the code refactoring menu item that applies the aspect as a custom attribute. By default, the title is Add [Foo] if the aspect class is named FooAttribute. To organize several aspects into sub-menus, use the vertical pipe (|) to separate the different menu levels.


Gets or sets the title of the code refactoring menu item that applies the aspect as a live template. By default, the title is Apply Foo if the aspect class is named FooAttribute. To organize several aspects into sub-menus, use the vertical pipe (|) to separate the different menu levels.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the code refactoring menu should offer the possibility to apply this aspect as a custom attribute. This property is false by default. The property is ignored if the aspect class does not have a default constructor. The eligibility of the aspect for the Default or Inheritance scenario is taken into account. See BuildEligibility(IEligibilityBuilder<T>) for details.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the code refactoring menu should offer the possibility to apply this aspect as a live template, i.e., as an action that causes the aspect to applied to the source code itself. This property is false by default. The property is ignored if the aspect class does not have a default constructor. The eligibility of the aspect for the LiveTemplate scenario is taken into account. See BuildEligibility(IEligibilityBuilder<T>) for details.