MetalamaAPI documentationAspect APIMetalama.​Framework.​CodeDeclaration­Extensions
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DeclarationExtensions Class

Extension methods for IDeclaration.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Code
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public static class DeclarationExtensions : Object


Name Description

Gets all containing ancestors, i.e. declaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration...


Gets all containing ancestors including the current declaration, i.e. declaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration, declaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration.ContainingDeclaration...


Gets an object that gives access to the aspects, options and annotations on the current declaration.

ForCompilation<T>(T, ICompilation, ReferenceResolutionOptions)

Gets a representation of the current declaration in a different version of the compilation.


Gets the declaring IMemberOrNamedType of a given declaration if the declaration if not an IMemberOrNamedType, or the IMemberOrNamedType itself if the given declaration is itself an IMemberOrNamedType.


Gets the declaring INamedType of a given declaration if the declaration if not an INamedType, or the INamedType itself if the given declaration is itself an INamedType.


Gets the topmost type of a nested type, i.e. a type that is not contained in any other type. If the given type is not a given type, returns the given type itself.

IsContainedIn(IDeclaration, IDeclaration)

Determines if a given declaration is a child of another given declaration, using the ContainingDeclaration relationship for all declarations except for named type, where the parent namespace is considered.

TryForCompilation<T>(T, ICompilation, out T, ReferenceResolutionOptions)

Tries to get a representation of the current declaration in a different version of the compilation.