MetalamaAPI documentationAspect APIMetalama.​Framework.​Run­TimeRun­Time­Aspect­Helper
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RunTimeAspectHelper Class

Defines helper methods used by code transformed by aspects.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.RunTime
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.RunTime.dll
public static class RunTimeAspectHelper


Name Description

Evaluates an IEnumerable and stores the result into a List<object>. If the enumerable is already a list, returns the input list. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerable.


Evaluates an IEnumerator, stores the result into a List<object> and returns an enumerator for this list. If the enumerator is already a list enumerator, returns the input enumerator. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerator.

BufferAsync<T>(IAsyncEnumerable<T>, CancellationToken)

Evaluates an IAsyncEnumerable<T> and stores the result into an AsyncEnumerableList<T>. If the enumerable is already an AsyncEnumerableList<T>, returns the input list. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerable.

BufferAsync<T>(IAsyncEnumerator<T>, CancellationToken)

Evaluates an IAsyncEnumerator<T>, stores the result into an AsyncEnumerableList<T> and returns an enumerator for this object. If the enumerator is already an AsyncEnumerableList<T> enumerator, returns the input enumerator. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerator.

BufferToListAsync<T>(IAsyncEnumerator<T>, CancellationToken)

Evaluates an IAsyncEnumerator<T>, stores the result into an AsyncEnumerableList<T> and returns the list. If the enumerator is already an AsyncEnumerableList<T> enumerator, returns the parent AsyncEnumerableList<T>. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerator.


Evaluates an IEnumerable<T> and stores the result into a List<T>. If the enumerable is already a list, returns the input list. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerable.


Evaluates an IEnumerator<T>, stores the result into a List<T> and returns an enumerator for this list. If the enumerator is already a list enumerator, returns the input enumerator. The intended side effect of this method is to completely evaluate the input enumerator.