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Verifying architecture

This chapter outlines how to verify your source code against the architecture, design patterns, and other team conventions.

There are two methods for adding verification rules to your code. You can do this declaratively by applying custom architecture attributes to your code, or programmatically using a compile-time fluent API. Metalama provides a set of pre-made custom attributes and compile-time methods. Additionally, you can easily create your own attributes or methods for rules that are specific to your project.


Verifying code against architecture is particularly important for projects developed by a large team or maintained over a long period.

  • Executable rules instead of paper guidelines: Architectural guidelines can now be enforced in real-time within the code editor, rather than merely being written down and stored away.
  • Immediate feedback: Developers don't have to wait for the CI build to finish; feedback is provided within seconds.
  • Smoother code reviews: Rule violations are automatically detected, allowing code reviews to focus on flows and concepts.
  • Better team alignment: Automated code validation promotes the team's adherence to consistent patterns and practices.
  • Lower complexity: The resulting codebase is simpler when everyone on the team adheres to consistent patterns and practices.
  • Reduced architecture erosion: The gap between the initial architecture and its implementation in the source code remains smaller.

In this chapter

This chapter includes the following articles:

Article Description
Verifying usage of a class, member, or namespace This article demonstrates how to validate the usage of a set of namespaces, types, or members.
Enforcing naming conventions This article details how to enforce naming conventions in your code.
Marking experimental APIs This article explains how to mark an API as experimental, triggering a warning when the API is used.
Creating your own validation rules This article demonstrates how to create custom attributes or fabric extension methods to validate your own architectural rules.