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Change Tracking example, step 4: reverting changes

In this article, we will implement the ability to revert the object to the last-accepted version. The .NET Framework exposes this ability as the IRevertibleChangeTracking interface. It adds a new RejectChanges method. This method must revert any changes performed since the last call to the AcceptChanges method.

We need to duplicate each field or automatic property: one copy will contain the current value, and the second will contain the accepted value. The AcceptChanges method copies the current values to the accepted ones, while the RejectChanges method copies the accepted values to the current ones.

Let's see this pattern in action:

Source Code
1#pragma warning disable CS8618

5public partial class Comment

7    public Comment( Guid id, string author, string content )
8    {
9        this.Id = id;
10        this.Author = author;
11        this.Content = content;
12    }
14    public Guid Id { get; }
15    public string Author { get; set; }
16    public string Content { get; set; }

Transformed Code
1#pragma warning disable CS8618
3using System;
4using System.ComponentModel;
8public partial class Comment
9: INotifyPropertyChanged, ISwitchableChangeTracking, IRevertibleChangeTracking, IChangeTracking
11    public Comment( Guid id, string author, string content )
12    {
13        this.Id = id;
14        this.Author = author;
15        this.Content = content;
16    }
18    public Guid Id { get; }
19private string _author = default!;
21    public string Author { get { return this._author; } set { if (value != this._author) { this._author = value; OnPropertyChanged("Author"); } return; } }
22    private string _content = default!;
24    public string Content { get { return this._content; } set { if (value != this._content) { this._content = value; OnPropertyChanged("Content"); } return; } }
25    private string _acceptedAuthor;
26    private string _acceptedContent;
27    private bool _isTrackingChanges;
29    public bool IsChanged { get; private set; }
31    public bool IsTrackingChanges
32    {
33        get
34        {
35            return _isTrackingChanges;
36        }
37        set
38        {
39            if (this._isTrackingChanges != value)
40            {
41                this._isTrackingChanges = value;
42                this.OnPropertyChanged("IsTrackingChanges");
43                if (value)
44                {
45                    AcceptChanges();
46                }
47            }
48        }
49    }
51    public virtual void AcceptChanges()
52    {
53        IsChanged = false;
54        this._acceptedAuthor = this.Author;
55        this._acceptedContent = this.Content;
56    }
57    protected void OnChange()
58    {
59        if (IsChanged == false)
60        {
61            IsChanged = true;
62            this.OnPropertyChanged("IsChanged");
63        }
64    }
65    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
66    {
67        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
68        if (name is not ("IsChanged" or "IsTrackingChanges"))
69        {
70            OnChange();
71        }
72    }
73    public virtual void RejectChanges()
74    {
75        IsChanged = false;
76        this.Author = this._acceptedAuthor;
77        this.Content = this._acceptedContent;
78    }
79    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
Source Code

2public class ModeratedComment : Comment
4    public ModeratedComment( Guid id, string author, string content ) : base( id, author, content )
5    {
6    }

8    public bool? IsApproved { get; set; }

Transformed Code
1using System;
4public class ModeratedComment : Comment
6    public ModeratedComment( Guid id, string author, string content ) : base( id, author, content )
7    {
8    }
9private bool? _isApproved;
11    public bool? IsApproved { get { return this._isApproved; } set { if (value != this._isApproved) { this._isApproved = value; OnPropertyChanged("IsApproved"); } return; } }
12    private bool? _acceptedIsApproved;

Aspect implementation

Here is the complete code of the new version of the TrackChanges aspect:

1using Metalama.Framework.Advising;
2using Metalama.Framework.Aspects;
3using Metalama.Framework.Code;
4using Metalama.Framework.Diagnostics;
5using System.Globalization;
7#pragma warning disable IDE0031, IDE1005
10public class TrackChangesAttribute : TypeAspect
12    private static readonly DiagnosticDefinition<INamedType> _mustHaveOnChangeMethod = new(
13        "MY001",
14        Severity.Error,
15        $"The '{nameof(ISwitchableChangeTracking)}' interface is implemented manually on type '{{0}}', but the type does not have an '{nameof(OnChange)}()' method.");
17    private static readonly DiagnosticDefinition _onChangeMethodMustBeProtected = new(
18        "MY002",
19        Severity.Error,
20        $"The '{nameof(OnChange)}()' method must be have the 'protected' accessibility.");
22    private static readonly DiagnosticDefinition<IMethod> _onPropertyChangedMustBeVirtual = new(
23        "MY003",
24        Severity.Error,
25        "The '{0}' method must be virtual.");
27    [InterfaceMember( WhenExists = InterfaceMemberOverrideStrategy.Ignore )]
28    public bool IsChanged { get; private set; }
30    [InterfaceMember( WhenExists = InterfaceMemberOverrideStrategy.Ignore )]
31    public bool IsTrackingChanges
32    {
33        get => meta.This._isTrackingChanges;
34        set
35        {
36            if ( meta.This._isTrackingChanges != value )
37            {
38                meta.This._isTrackingChanges = value;
40                var onPropertyChanged = this.GetOnPropertyChangedMethod( meta.Target.Type );
42                if ( onPropertyChanged != null )
43                {
44                    onPropertyChanged.Invoke( nameof(this.IsTrackingChanges) );
45                }
47                if ( value )
48                {
49                    this.AcceptChanges();
50                }
51            }
52        }
53    }
55    public override void BuildAspect( IAspectBuilder<INamedType> builder )
56    {
57        // Select fields and automatic properties that can be changed.
58        var fieldsOrProperties = builder.Target.FieldsAndProperties
59            .Where( f =>
60                !f.IsImplicitlyDeclared && f.Writeability == Writeability.All &&
61                f.IsAutoPropertyOrField == true )
62            .ToArray();
64        var introducedFields = new Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>(); 
66        // Create a field for each mutable field or property. These fields
67        // will contain the accepted values.
68        foreach ( var fieldOrProperty in fieldsOrProperties )
69        {
70            var upperCaseName = fieldOrProperty.Name.TrimStart( '_' );
71            upperCaseName =
72                upperCaseName.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpper( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) +
73                upperCaseName.Substring( 1 );
74            var acceptedField =
75                builder.Advice.IntroduceField( builder.Target, "_accepted" + upperCaseName,
76                    fieldOrProperty.Type );
77            introducedFields[fieldOrProperty] = acceptedField.Declaration;
78        }
80        // Implement the ISwitchableChangeTracking interface.         
81        var implementInterfaceResult = builder.Advice.ImplementInterface( builder.Target,
82            typeof(ISwitchableChangeTracking), OverrideStrategy.Ignore,
83            new { IntroducedFields = introducedFields } ); 
85        // If the type already implements ISwitchableChangeTracking, it must have a protected method called OnChanged, without parameters, otherwise
86        // this is a contract violation, so we report an error.
87        if ( implementInterfaceResult.Outcome == AdviceOutcome.Ignore )
88        {
89            var onChangeMethod = builder.Target.AllMethods.OfName( nameof(this.OnChange) )
90                .SingleOrDefault( m => m.Parameters.Count == 0 );
92            if ( onChangeMethod == null )
93            {
94                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
95                    _mustHaveOnChangeMethod.WithArguments( builder.Target ) );
96            }
97            else if ( onChangeMethod.Accessibility != Accessibility.Protected )
98            {
99                builder.Diagnostics.Report( _onChangeMethodMustBeProtected );
100            }
101        }
102        else
103        {
104            builder.Advice.IntroduceField( builder.Target, "_isTrackingChanges", typeof(bool) );
105        }
107        // Override all writable fields and automatic properties.
108        // If the type has an OnPropertyChanged method, we assume that all properties
109        // and fields already call it, and we hook into OnPropertyChanged instead of
110        // overriding each setter.
111        var onPropertyChanged = this.GetOnPropertyChangedMethod( builder.Target );
113        if ( onPropertyChanged == null )
114        {
115            // If the type has an OnPropertyChanged method, we assume that all properties
116            // and fields already call it, and we hook into OnPropertyChanged instead of
117            // overriding each setter.
118            foreach ( var fieldOrProperty in fieldsOrProperties )
119            {
120                builder.Advice.OverrideAccessors( fieldOrProperty, null,
121                    nameof(this.OverrideSetter) );
122            }
123        }
124        else if ( onPropertyChanged.DeclaringType.Equals( builder.Target ) )
125        {
126            builder.Advice.Override( onPropertyChanged, nameof(this.OnPropertyChanged) );
127        }
128        else if ( implementInterfaceResult.Outcome == AdviceOutcome.Ignore )
129        {
130            // If we have an OnPropertyChanged method but the type already implements ISwitchableChangeTracking,
131            // we assume that the type already hooked the OnPropertyChanged method, and
132            // there is nothing else to do.
133        }
134        else
135        {
136            // If the OnPropertyChanged method was defined in a base class, but not overridden
137            // in the current class, and if we implement ISwitchableChangeTracking ourselves,
138            // then we need to override OnPropertyChanged.
140            if ( !onPropertyChanged.IsVirtual )
141            {
142                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
143                    _onPropertyChangedMustBeVirtual.WithArguments( onPropertyChanged ) );
144            }
145            else
146            {
147                builder.Advice.IntroduceMethod( builder.Target, nameof(this.OnPropertyChanged),
148                    whenExists: OverrideStrategy.Override );
149            }
150        }
151    }
153    private IMethod? GetOnPropertyChangedMethod( INamedType type )
154        => type.AllMethods
155            .OfName( "OnPropertyChanged" )
156            .SingleOrDefault( m => m.Parameters.Count == 1 );
158    [InterfaceMember]
159    public virtual void AcceptChanges()
160    {
161        if ( meta.Target.Method.IsOverride )
162        {
163            meta.Proceed();
164        }
165        else
166        {
167            this.IsChanged = false;
168        }
170        var introducedFields =
171            (Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>) meta.Tags["IntroducedFields"]!;
173        foreach ( var field in introducedFields )
174        {
175            field.Value.Value = field.Key.Value;
176        }
177    }
179    [InterfaceMember]
180    public virtual void RejectChanges()
181    {
182        if ( meta.Target.Method.IsOverride )
183        {
184            meta.Proceed();
185        }
186        else
187        {
188            this.IsChanged = false;
189        }
192        var introducedFields =
193            (Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>) meta.Tags["IntroducedFields"]!;
195        foreach ( var field in introducedFields )
196        {
197            field.Key.Value = field.Value.Value;
198        }
199    }
202    [Introduce( WhenExists = OverrideStrategy.Ignore )]
203    protected void OnChange()
204    {
205        if ( this.IsChanged == false )
206        {
207            this.IsChanged = true;
209            var onPropertyChanged = this.GetOnPropertyChangedMethod( meta.Target.Type );
211            if ( onPropertyChanged != null )
212            {
213                onPropertyChanged.Invoke( nameof(this.IsChanged) );
214            }
215        }
216    }
218    [Template]
219    private void OverrideSetter( dynamic? value )
220    {
221        meta.Proceed();
223        if ( value != meta.Target.Property.Value )
224        {
225            this.OnChange();
226        }
227    }
229    [Template]
230    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged( string name )
231    {
232        meta.Proceed();
234        if ( name is not (nameof(this.IsChanged) or nameof(this.IsTrackingChanges)) )
235        {
236            this.OnChange();
237        }
238    }

Let's focus on the following part of the BuildAspect method for the moment.

64        var introducedFields = new Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>(); 
66        // Create a field for each mutable field or property. These fields
67        // will contain the accepted values.
68        foreach ( var fieldOrProperty in fieldsOrProperties )
69        {
70            var upperCaseName = fieldOrProperty.Name.TrimStart( '_' );
71            upperCaseName =
72                upperCaseName.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpper( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ) +
73                upperCaseName.Substring( 1 );
74            var acceptedField =
75                builder.Advice.IntroduceField( builder.Target, "_accepted" + upperCaseName,
76                    fieldOrProperty.Type );
77            introducedFields[fieldOrProperty] = acceptedField.Declaration;
78        }
80        // Implement the ISwitchableChangeTracking interface.         
81        var implementInterfaceResult = builder.Advice.ImplementInterface( builder.Target,
82            typeof(ISwitchableChangeTracking), OverrideStrategy.Ignore,
83            new { IntroducedFields = introducedFields } ); 

First, the method introduces new fields into the type for each mutable field or automatic property using the IntroduceField method. For details about this practice, see Introducing members.

Note that we are building the introducedFields dictionary, which maps the current-value field or property to the accepted-value field. This dictionary will be passed to the ImplementInterface call as a tag. The collection of tags is an anonymous object. For more details about this technique, see Sharing state with advice.

The field dictionary is read from the implementation of AcceptChanges and RejectChanges:

158    [InterfaceMember]
159    public virtual void AcceptChanges()
160    {
161        if ( meta.Target.Method.IsOverride )
162        {
163            meta.Proceed();
164        }
165        else
166        {
167            this.IsChanged = false;
168        }
170        var introducedFields =
171            (Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>) meta.Tags["IntroducedFields"]!;
173        foreach ( var field in introducedFields )
174        {
175            field.Value.Value = field.Key.Value;
176        }
177    }

179    [InterfaceMember]
180    public virtual void RejectChanges()
181    {
182        if ( meta.Target.Method.IsOverride )
183        {
184            meta.Proceed();
185        }
186        else
187        {
188            this.IsChanged = false;
189        }
192        var introducedFields =
193            (Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>) meta.Tags["IntroducedFields"]!;
195        foreach ( var field in introducedFields )
196        {
197            field.Key.Value = field.Value.Value;
198        }
199    }

As you can see, the (Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IField>) meta.Tags["IntroducedFields"] expression gets the IntroducedFields tag, which was passed to the ImplementInterface method. We cast it back to its original type and iterate it. We use the Value property to generate the run-time expression that represents the field or property. In the AcceptChanges method, we copy the current values to the accepted ones and do the opposite in the RejectChanges method.