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Method DerivedTypesMustRespectNamingConvention

DerivedTypesMustRespectNamingConvention(IAspectReceiver<IDeclaration>, string, Func<ReferencePredicateBuilder, ReferencePredicate>?)

Reports a warning when any type that inherits any type in the current selection does not follow a given convention, where the convention is given as a star pattern, i.e. where the * matches any sequence of characters, even empty.

public static void DerivedTypesMustRespectNamingConvention(this IAspectReceiver<IDeclaration> receiver, string pattern, Func<ReferencePredicateBuilder, ReferencePredicate>? exclusions = null)
Type Name Description
IAspectReceiver<IDeclaration> receiver
string pattern
Func<ReferencePredicateBuilder, ReferencePredicate> exclusions