PostSharpAPI ReferencePost­Sharp.​Patterns.​Threading.​Models
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PostSharp.Patterns.Threading.Models Namespace



The ActorThreadingModel class describes a threading model in which to methods are processed asynchronously from a single thread, suppressing concurrency inside each instance of the actor. To use the ActorThreadingModel, apply the ActorAttribute to a class.


The FreezableThreadingModel class describes a threading model where changes to an object are forbidden after the Freeze() method has been called on this object. To use the FreezableThreadingModel, apply the FreezableAttribute custom attribute to a class.


The ImmutableThreadingModel class describes a threading model where changes to an object are forbidden after completion of the object constructor. To use the ImmutableThreadingModel, apply the ImmutableAttribute custom attribute to a class.


The PrivateThreadingModel class describes a behavior of objects in which their threading model is determined by the parent they are assigned to in a parent-child relationship. Objects with this threading model are considered a private state of their parent object and cannot be accessed from a different object.


The ReaderWriterSynchronizedThreadingModel class describes a threading model where several threads can have concurrent read-only access, but where writing to the object requires exclusive access. To use the ReaderWriterSynchronizedThreadingModel, apply the ReaderWriterSynchronizedAttribute custom attribute to a class.


Base class for FreezableThreadingModel and ImmutableThreadingModel.


The SynchronizedThreadingModel class describes a threading model where only a single thread can access the object at a time. To use the SynchronizedThreadingModel, apply the SynchronizedAttribute custom attribute to a class.


The ThreadAffineThreadingModel class describes a threading model where only the thread that created the object has the right to access this object. To use the ThreadAffineThreadingModel, apply the ThreadAffineAttribute custom attribute to a class.


The ThreadUnsafeThreadingModel class describes a threading model an object cannot be accessed concurrently by several threads. In case of concurrent access, a ConcurrentAccessException exception will be thrown. The thread-unsafe threading model is not strictly a model, because it cannot be deterministically verified. To use the ThreadAffineThreadingModel, apply the ThreadUnsafeAttribute custom attribute to a class.