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Aspect API documentation

These namespaces are used while writing your own aspects or fabrics.

Namespace Description
Metalama.Framework.Aspects The main namespace for creating your own aspects.
Metalama.Framework.Code Contains the object representation of source code, including interfaces that represent types, methods, fields, etc.
Metalama.Framework.CodeFixes Allows your aspects to suggest code fixes, accessible at design time from the IDE.
Metalama.Framework.Diagnostics Enables your aspects to report or suppress errors, warnings, or information.
Metalama.Framework.Eligibility Allows your aspects to declare to which declarations they can be validly applied.
Metalama.Framework.Fabrics Provides the ability to add aspects or validators to entire projects and namespaces, and configures aspects.
Metalama.Framework.Metrics Allows you to read predefined code metrics and to implement your own. Metrics are useful in validators and LinqPad queries.
Metalama.Framework.Project Exposes the object model of the project being processed, as well as the service provider.
Metalama.Framework.RunTime Contains the classes used at runtime. All other namespaces are used only at compilation time.
Metalama.Framework.Validation Enables you to build aspects that can validate user code against your own rules. You can validate both the target of the aspect and references to that target.