PostSharpAPI ReferencePost­Sharp.​Patterns.​DiagnosticsLogging­Configuration­ManagerConfigure­From­Xml­With­Auto­Reload­Async
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LoggingConfigurationManager.ConfigureFromXmlWithAutoReloadAsync Method

ConfigureFromXmlWithAutoReloadAsync(LoggingBackend, Uri, TimeSpan, CancellationToken)

Configures a LoggingBackend from an XML configuration file whose location is specified in a System.Uri and specifies a System.TimeSpan at which the file should be refreshed from source.

public static Task<IDisposable> ConfigureFromXmlWithAutoReloadAsync([Required] this LoggingBackend backend, Uri uri, TimeSpan autoReloadPeriod, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null)
Type Name Description
LoggingBackend backend

The backend to configure.

System.Uri uri

The location of the configuration file. The schema is described in the LoggingConfigurationModel type. If you're using a cloud storage service, this should be a direct download link.

System.TimeSpan autoReloadPeriod

The System.TimeSpan after which the configuration should be reloaded. If this parameter equals zero or TimeSpan.MaxValue, the configuration is never reloaded.

System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken

A System.Threading.CancellationToken.

Type Description

An opaque IDisposable that must be disposed to stop reloading the configuration.


This method always succeeds, even if the uri is incorrect or the content is corrupt. The reason is that the resource may become available or correct later.


Note that the XML file can contain code that will execute on the device from which you call this method. One cannot exclude the possibility for a malicious attacker to create file that would cause breaches of data or denial of service. Therefore, you must ensure that only authorized personnel have access in writing to the remote file. Additionally, this file must be publicly accessible in reading. Therefore, it should not include any sensitive piece of information (there should be no reason to do so).