ConsoleTheme Class
A simple implementation of a color theme that allows only for two colors per LogLevel.
Namespace: PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.Backends.Console
Assembly: PostSharp.Patterns.Diagnostics.dll
public class ConsoleTheme : IConsoleTheme
Name | Description |
ConsoleTheme(ConsoleTheme) | Initializes a new ConsoleTheme and copies all values from a given other ConsoleTheme. |
ConsoleTheme(bool) | Initializes a new ConsoleTheme. |
Name | Description |
HightlightedStyles | Gets the styles used for highlighted text. |
NormalStyles | Gets the styles used for normal text. |
SupportsAnsiCodes | Determines whether the theme supports VT escape codes. |
Name | Description |
AddHightlightedItem(ConsoleThemeItem) | Specifies that a ConsoleThemeItem should be formatted using the hightlighted style. |
Clone() | Returns an editable copy of the current ConsoleTheme. |
Freeze() | Prevents modifications in the current ConsoleTheme. |
GetStyle(string, LogLevel, LogRecordKind, ConsoleThemeItem) | Gets the ConsoleThemeStyle for a specific theme item. |
RemoveHighlightedItem(ConsoleThemeItem) | Specifies that a ConsoleThemeItem should be formatted using the normal style. |