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Thread Affine Threading Model

One of the simplest ways to consider threading is to limit object instance access to the thread that created the instance. This is how the Thread Affine threading model works.

Adding the Thread Affine model to a class

To apply the Thread-Affine threading model to a class:

  1. Add the PostSharp.Patterns.Threading package to your project.

  2. Add using PostSharp.Patterns.Threading namespace to your file.

  3. Add the ThreadAffineAttribute to the class.

  4. Annotate your object model for parent/child relationships as described in Annotating an Object Model for Parent/Child Relationships (Aggregatable).


In the example below the ThreadAffineAttribute has been added to the class.

public class OrderService
    public void Process(int sequence)
        Console.WriteLine("sequence {0}", sequence);
        Console.WriteLine("sleeping for 10s");
        Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0,0,10));

Rules enforced by the Actor aspect

The ThreadAffineAttribute aspect does not verify your code at build-time. Instead, it injects code that enforces the model at run time. If it detects that the object is being accessed from a different thread than the one that created it, the aspect will throw a ThreadMismatchException exception.

To test this the thread-affine OrderService class, we can run the following code:

public void Main()
    var orderService = new OrderService();

    var backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
    backgroundWorker.DoWork += (sender, args) =>
        catch (Exception ex)

The above code will execute the orderService.Process(1) method and output the following to the console.

That code successfully executed because the orderService instance was both created (via the new keyword) and executed on the same thread.

After the 10 second sleep period, a BackgroundWorker thread is opened and it is set to execute the orderService.Process(2) method. If an exception is thrown that will be output to the console. When this piece of code executes you will see the following console output.

As you can see that a ThreadMismatchException exception was thrown. This happened because the orderService instance was created on the main thread and the BackgroundWorker thread attempted to execute it. Because the OrderService class has been marked with the ThreadAffineAttribute attribute only the thread that creates an instance of it can access that instance.

Working with object trees

Because the Thread-Affine model is an implementation of the Aggregatable pattern, all of the same behaviors of the AggregatableAttribute are available. For more information regarding object trees, read Parent/Child, Visitor and Disposable.


Once you have established your parent-child relationships you will need to apply compatible threading models to the child classes. You will want to refer to the Compatibility of Threading Models article to determine which threading model will work for the children of the Thread-Affine object.

See Also

Other Resources

Compatibility of Threading Models
