Open sandboxFocus

Method ValidateInboundReferences

ValidateInboundReferences(Action<ReferenceValidationContext>, ReferenceGranularity, ReferenceKinds, ReferenceValidationOptions)

Registers an inbound reference validator, provided as a delegate. The reference validator will be invoked to validate any references pointing to to any declaration in the current set. This method must have a parameter of type inReferenceValidationContext. Only source code references are validated. References added by aspects are ignored by design.

void ValidateInboundReferences(Action<ReferenceValidationContext> validateMethod, ReferenceGranularity granularity, ReferenceKinds referenceKinds = (ReferenceKinds)-1, ReferenceValidationOptions options = ReferenceValidationOptions.Default)
Type Name Description
Action<ReferenceValidationContext> validateMethod

A delegate to a method of a fabric, aspect or validator class.

ReferenceGranularity granularity

The level of declarations at which the analysis should be performed. For instance, if validateMethod returns the same result for all references in the same namespace, Namespace should be used.

ReferenceKinds referenceKinds

Kinds of references that this method is interested to analyze. By default, all references are analyzed.

ReferenceValidationOptions options


Registers an inbound reference validator, provided as an instance of the InboundReferenceValidator abstract class. The reference validator will be invoked to validate any references pointing to any declaration in the current set. Only source code references are validated. References added by aspects are ignored by design.

void ValidateInboundReferences(InboundReferenceValidator validator)
Type Name Description
InboundReferenceValidator validator