Metalama (preview)Commented examples
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Commented examples

This chapter shows a few examples that demonstrate how to use Metalama. Each of them is designed as a tutorial, progressively introducing features of growing complexity. You can use these examples to support your learning process.

Example Description
Logging Shows several logging aspects, adding complexity at every step.
Caching Caches the method return value as a function of its parameters.
Exception Handling Demonstrates several exception-handling strategies including retry, Polly, and adding parameter values for richer reports.
INotifyPropertyChanged Automatically implements the <xref:System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged> interface and instruments properties.
Change Tracking Automatically implements the <xref:System.ComponentModel.IChangeTracking> or <xref:System.ComponentModel.IRevertibleChangeTracking> interface interface and instruments fields and properties accordingly.
Clone Implements the Deep Clone pattern.
Memento Implements the classic Memento pattern.
Enum View-Model Creates a view-model class to wrap an enum value.
Shared Fabric Demonstrates a fabric that targets several projects. Contributed by Whit Waldo.

If you have developed an original aspect with Metalama, consider contributing to this list.