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Customizing Cache Keys

Each value returned by a cached method is indexed by a cache key. By default, the cache key is composed of the full method name, the parameter types, and the parameter values. By default, parameters are formatted using the ToString method. PostSharp allows you to completely customize how the cache key is generated.

Default cache key generation logic

By default, the key is composed of the following elements of the method call:

  • the full name of the declaring type (including generic parameters, if any),

  • the method name,

  • the method generic parameters, if any,

  • the formatted caller object (unless the method is static),

  • a comma-separated list of all method arguments including the full type of the parameter and the formatted parameter value,

  • in case that the backend supports it, a global prefix that allows using the same caching server with several applications (see e.g. KeyPrefix ).


By default, the cache key of a value is built using ToString method, but the default implementation of the ToString method does not return a unique string for custom types. You must override the ToString method or implement a formatter for all types of parameters used in a cached method.

Overriding the ToString method

By default, the cache key of a value is built using the ToString() method. You can override the ToString() method so that it returns a distinct value for each distinct instance of the type.

Implementing a custom cache key formatter

Since the ToString() method is used in different contexts than just caching, using it as the cache key might be inappropriate in your case. In this situation, you can implement the IFormattable interface or the Formatter<T> class.

See Implementing a Custom Formatter for details.

Excluding parameters from a cache key

Using [NotCacheKey]

To exclude a method parameter from being a part of a cache key, add the NotCacheKeyAttribute custom attribute on the parameter to be excluded.

Using [IgnoreThisParameter]

To exclude the value of the this parameter of an instance method from being a part of a cache key, set the IgnoreThisParameter parameter of the aspect to true.


In this example, the this and callId parameters of the GetNumber method are not part of the cache key.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using PostSharp.Patterns.Caching;
using PostSharp.Patterns.Caching.Backends;

namespace PostSharp.Samples.Caching.ExcludingParameters
    class Database
        [Cache( IgnoreThisParameter = true )]
        public int GetNumber( int id, [NotCacheKey] int callId )
            Console.WriteLine( $">> Retrieving {id} from the database, call ID {callId}..." );
            Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
            return id;

    class Program
        static void Main( string[] args )
            CachingServices.DefaultBackend = new MemoryCachingBackend();

            int callId = 0;

            Database db1 = new Database();
            Database db2 = new Database();

            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieving value of 1 for the 1st time from DB 1 should hit the database." );
            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieved: " + db1.GetNumber( 1, callId++ ) );

            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieving value of 1 for the 2nd time from DB 1 passing different call ID should NOT hit the database." );
            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieved: " + db1.GetNumber( 1, callId++ ) );

            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieving value of 1 for the 1st time from DB 2 should NOT hit the database." );
            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieved: " + db2.GetNumber( 1, callId++ ) );

The output of this sample is:

Retrieving value of 1 for the 1st time from DB 1 should hit the database.
>> Retrieving 1 from the database, call ID 0...
Retrieved: 1
Retrieving value of 1 for the 2nd time from DB 1 passing different call ID should NOT hit the database.
Retrieved: 1
Retrieving value of 1 for the 1st time from DB 2 should NOT hit the database.
Retrieved: 1

Changing the maximal length of a cache key

The maximal length of a cache key is 2048 characters by default.

To change the maximal length of a cache key, create a new instance of the CacheKeyBuilder class passing the new value of the maximal length to the constructor and assign the new instance to the DefaultKeyBuilder property.


If you need large cache keys, we suggest you also hash the cache key before submitting to the caching backend. To hash the cache key, implement a custom cache key builder (see below). The MD5 algorithm is generally a good choice given its speed, its collision probability, and the fact that it cryptographic strength is irrelevant in this case.

The following example sets the maximal length of a cache key to 4096 characters:

CachingServices.DefaultKeyBuilder = new CacheKeyBuilder(4096);

Implementing a custom cache key builder

All the options described above modify the behavior of formatting of a parameter value. To customize the other parts of the cache key, you can override the methods of the CacheKeyBuilder class.

To override the cache building logic

  1. Create a new class and derive it from the CacheKeyBuilder class.

  2. Override the virtual methods as needed.

    To completely override the key building process, override the BuildMethodKey(MethodInfo, IList<object>, object) and/or BuildDependencyKey(object) methods. The default implementation of these two methods uses AppendType(UnsafeStringBuilder, Type), AppendMethod(UnsafeStringBuilder, MethodInfo), AppendArgument(UnsafeStringBuilder, Type, object) and AppendObject(UnsafeStringBuilder, object) helper methods. If you need to override how a type, a method, an argument or an object is formatted, you can override just some of these methods.

  3. Assign an instance of you new cache key builder to the DefaultKeyBuilder property.