MetalamaAPI documentationPatterns APIMetalama.​Patterns.​Caching.​Backends.​RedisRedis­Garbage­Collection­Utilities
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RedisGarbageCollectionUtilities Class

Exposes methods that perform garbage collection in a Redis server used as a cache where dependencies are enabled.

Namespace: Metalama.Patterns.Caching.Backends.Redis
Assembly: Metalama.Patterns.Caching.Backends.Redis.dll
public static class RedisGarbageCollectionUtilities


Name Description
PerformFullCollectionAsync(IConnectionMultiplexer, RedisCachingBackendConfiguration?, IServiceProvider?, CancellationToken)

Performs a full garbage collection on all Redis servers of a StackExchange.Redis.IConnectionMultiplexer. This operation enumerates and validates all keys in the database, and can possibly last several minutes and affect performance in production.

PerformFullCollectionAsync(IServer, RedisCachingBackendConfiguration?, IServiceProvider?, CancellationToken)

Performs a full garbage collection on a given Redis server. This operation enumerates and validates all keys in the database, and can possibly last several minutes and affect performance in production.