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Migrating the [NotifyPropertyChanged] aspects

Metalama's equivalent to PostSharp's [NotifyPropertyChanged] aspect is the [Observable]. For details, refer to Metalama.Patterns.Observability.

Metamama's implementation strategy of the pattern is completely different than PostSharp's one. Where PostSharp maintained an in-memory dependency graph at run time, Metalama does most of the work at build time and does not maintain complex data structures at run time.

API mapping

Most features of PostSharp's [NotifyPropertyChanged] aspect are available in Metalama under a different name:

PostSharp Metalama
NotifyPropertyChangedAttribute ObservableAttribute
PureAttribute ConstantAttribute
SafeForDependencyAnalysisAttribute SuppressObservabilityWarningsAttribute or #pragma warning disable
IgnoreAutoChangeNotificationAttribute NotObservableAttribute
INotifyChildPropertyChanged OnChildPropertyChanged protected method.

Feature gaps

The following features have not been implemented in Metalama yet:

  • You cannot implement the INotifyPropertyChanging interface.
  • The PropertyChanged events cannot be implemented as weak events, i.e. they hold references to its handlers.
  • Suppression of false positives is not implemented, i.e. the PropertyChanged event can be signaled even when there is no change in the property.