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Method InternalsCannotBeUsedFrom

InternalsCannotBeUsedFrom(ITypeSetVerifier<IDeclaration>, Func<ReferencePredicateBuilder, ReferencePredicate>, string?, ReferenceKinds)

Reports a warning when any of the internal APIs of the current scope in used from a different context different than the one allowed, except if this concept has access to the type using inheritance rules.

public static void InternalsCannotBeUsedFrom(this ITypeSetVerifier<IDeclaration> setVerifier, Func<ReferencePredicateBuilder, ReferencePredicate> scope, string? description = null, ReferenceKinds referenceKinds = (ReferenceKinds)-1)
Type Name Description
ITypeSetVerifier<IDeclaration> setVerifier
Func<ReferencePredicateBuilder, ReferencePredicate> scope
string description
ReferenceKinds referenceKinds