Open sandboxFocus

Method AddContract

AddContract(IParameter, string, ContractDirection, object?, object?)

Adds a contract to a parameter. Contracts are usually used to validate parameters (pre- or post-conditions) or to normalize their value (null-to-empty, trimming, normalizing case, ...).

IAddContractAdviceResult<IParameter> AddContract(IParameter targetParameter, string template, ContractDirection direction = ContractDirection.Default, object? tags = null, object? args = null)
Type Name Description
IParameter targetParameter

The parameter to which the contract should be added.

string template

The name of the template method. This method must have a single run-time parameter named value, and be annotated with the TemplateAttribute custom attribute.

ContractDirection direction

Direction of the data flow to which the contract should apply. See ContractDirection for details.

object tags

An optional opaque object of anonymous type passed to templates and exposed under the Tags property of the meta API.

object args

An object (typically of anonymous type) whose properties map to parameters or type parameters of the template.

Type Description

AddContract(IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexer, string, ContractDirection, object?, object?)

Adds a contract to a field, property or indexer. Contracts are usually used to validate the value assigned to fields properties or indexers or to normalize their value (null-to-empty, trimming, normalizing case, ...) before assignment. Alternatively, a contract can be used to validate the value returned by a property or indexer, in which case the direction parameter should be set to Output.

IAddContractAdviceResult<IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexer> AddContract(IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexer targetMember, string template, ContractDirection direction = ContractDirection.Default, object? tags = null, object? args = null)
Type Name Description
IFieldOrPropertyOrIndexer targetMember

The field, property or indexer to which the contract should be added.

string template

The name of the template method. This method must have a single run-time parameter named value, and be annotated with the TemplateAttribute custom attribute.

ContractDirection direction

Direction of the data flow to which the contract should apply. See ContractDirection for details.

object tags

An optional opaque object of anonymous type passed to templates and exposed under the Tags property of the meta API.

object args

An object (typically of anonymous type) whose properties map to parameters or type parameters of the template.

Type Description