Open sandboxFocus

Method AddAspect

AddAspect(Type, Func<TDeclaration, IAspect>)

Adds a aspect to the current set of declarations or throws an exception if the aspect is not eligible for the aspect. This overload is non-generic.

void AddAspect(Type aspectType, Func<out TDeclaration, IAspect> createAspect)
Type Name Description
Type aspectType

The exact type of the aspect returned by createAspect. It is not allowed to specify a base type in this parameter, only the exact type.

Func<TDeclaration, IAspect> createAspect

A function that returns the aspect for a given declaration.

AddAspect<TAspect>(Func<TDeclaration, TAspect>)

Adds an aspect to the current set of declarations or throws an exception if the aspect is not eligible for the aspect.

void AddAspect<TAspect>(Func<out TDeclaration, TAspect> createAspect) where TAspect : class, IAspect<out TDeclaration>
Type Name Description
Func<TDeclaration, TAspect> createAspect

A function that returns the aspect for a given declaration.

Type Parameters
Name Description


Adds an aspect to the current set of declarations or throws an exception if the aspect is not eligible for the aspect. This overload creates a new instance of the aspect class for each target declaration.

void AddAspect<TAspect>() where TAspect : class, IAspect<out TDeclaration>, new()
Type Parameters
Name Description