OfCompatibleSignature(IMethodCollection, string, IReadOnlyList<IType?>?, IReadOnlyList<RefKind?>?, bool?)
Gets the list of methods with signatures compatible with specified constraints.
OfCompatibleSignature(IMethodCollection, string, IReadOnlyList<Type?>?, bool?)
Gets the list of methods with signatures compatible with specified constraints.
OfExactSignature(IIndexerCollection, IIndexer)
Gets an indexer that exactly matches the signature of the specified method.
OfExactSignature(IIndexerCollection, IReadOnlyList<IType>, IReadOnlyList<RefKind>?)
Gets an indexer that exactly matches the specified signature.
OfExactSignature(IMethodCollection, IMethod, bool)
Gets a method that exactly matches the signature of the specified method.
OfExactSignature(IMethodCollection, string, IReadOnlyList<IType>, IReadOnlyList<RefKind>?, bool?)
Gets a method that exactly matches the specified signature.
OfKind(IMethodCollection, MethodKind)
Gets the list of methods of a given MethodKind (such as Operator or Default.