Metalama (preview)API documentationAspect APIMetalama.​Framework.​ValidationReference­Granularity
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ReferenceGranularity Enum

Levels of granularity on which a validation can be performed. The order of enum values are from the coarsest to the finest level. The finer the granularity of a validator, the more resources it will consume.

Namespace: Metalama.Framework.Validation
Assembly: Metalama.Framework.dll
public enum ReferenceGranularity : byte


Name Description

Sets the validator granularity to the level of whole compilation.


Sets the validator granularity to the level of methods, fields, events, or constructors.


Sets the validator granularity to the level of namespaces (possibly the global namespace).


Sets the validator granularity to the level of parameters, type parameters, custom attributes.


Sets the validator granularity to the level of syntax nodes. This level exists for backward compatibility. It should not be used, as it has no benefit over the next finest level, only a performance cost.


Sets the validator granularity to the level of top-level types, i.e. the types directly belonging to the namespace, as opposed to a nested type.


Sets the validator granularity to the level of types, possibly nested types.

Extension Methods

ReferenceGranularityExtension.CombineWith(ReferenceGranularity, ReferenceGranularity)