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Memento example, step 2: supporting type inheritance

In this second article, we will see how to modify our aspect to support type inheritance.


As always, we need to start reasoning and make some decisions about the implementation strategy before jumping into code.

We take the following approach:

  • Each originator class will still have its own memento class, and these memento classes will inherit from each other. So if Fish derives from FishtankArtifact, then Fish.Memento will derive from FishtankArtifact.Memento. Therefore, memento classes will be protected and not private. Each memento class will be responsible for its own properties, not for the properties of the base class.
  • Each RestoreMemento will be responsible only for the fields and properties of the current class and will call the base implementation to cope with properties of the base class.


When we are done with the aspect, it will transform code as follows.

Here is a base class:

Source Code

1using Metalama.Patterns.Observability;
5public partial class FishtankArtifact

7    public string? Name { get; set; }


9    public DateTime DateAdded { get; set; }

Transformed Code
1using System;
2using System.ComponentModel;
3using Metalama.Patterns.Observability;
7public partial class FishtankArtifact
8: INotifyPropertyChanged, IMementoable
10private string? _name;
12    public string? Name { get { return this._name; } set { if (!object.ReferenceEquals(value, this._name)) { this._name = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("Name"); } } }
13    private DateTime _dateAdded;
15    public DateTime DateAdded { get { return this._dateAdded; } set { if (this._dateAdded != value) { this._dateAdded = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("DateAdded"); } } }
16    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
17    {
18        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
19    }
20    public virtual void RestoreMemento(IMemento memento)
21    {
22        var typedMemento = (Memento)memento;
23        this.Name = (typedMemento).Name;
24        this.DateAdded = (typedMemento).DateAdded;
25    }
26    public virtual IMemento SaveToMemento()
27    {
28        return new Memento(this);
29    }
30    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
32    protected class Memento : IMemento
33    {
34        public Memento(FishtankArtifact originator)
35        {
36            this.Originator = originator;
37            this.Name = originator.Name;
38            this.DateAdded = originator.DateAdded;
39        }
40        public DateTime DateAdded { get; }
41        public string? Name { get; }
42        public IMementoable? Originator { get; }
43    }

Here is a derived class:

Source Code

1public partial class Fish : FishtankArtifact

3    public string? Species { get; set; }

Transformed Code
1using System;
3public partial class Fish : FishtankArtifact
5private string? _species;
7    public string? Species { get { return this._species; } set { if (!object.ReferenceEquals(value, this._species)) { this._species = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("Species"); } } }
8    protected override void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
9    {
10        base.OnPropertyChanged(propertyName);
11    }
12    public override void RestoreMemento(IMemento memento)
13    {
14        base.RestoreMemento(memento);
15        var typedMemento = (Memento)memento;
16        this.Species = (typedMemento).Species;
17    }
18    public override IMemento SaveToMemento()
19    {
20        return new Memento(this);
21    }
22    protected new class Memento : FishtankArtifact.Memento, IMemento
23    {
24        public Memento(Fish originator) : base(originator)
25        {
26            this.Species = originator.Species;
27        }
28        public string? Species { get; }
29    }

Step 1. Mark the aspect as inheritable

We certainly want our [Memento] aspect to automatically apply to derived classes when we add it to a base class. We achieve this by adding the [Inheritable] attribute to the aspect class.

7public sealed class MementoAttribute : TypeAspect 

For details about aspect inheritance, see Applying aspects to derived types.

Step 2. Validating the base type

If the base type already implements IMementoable, we need to check that the implementation fulfills our expectations. Indeed, it is possible that IMementoable is implemented manually. The following rules must be respected:

  • There must be a Memento nested type in the base type.
  • This nested type must be protected.
  • This nested type must have a public or protected constructor accepting the base type as its only argument.

When doing any sort of validation, the first step is to define the errors we will use.

1using Metalama.Framework.Aspects;
2using Metalama.Framework.Code;
3using Metalama.Framework.Diagnostics;
5namespace DefaultNamespace;
8internal static class DiagnosticDefinitions
10    public static DiagnosticDefinition<INamedType> BaseTypeHasNoMementoType
11        = new("MEMENTO01", Severity.Error,
12            "The base type '{0}' does not have a 'Memento' nested type.");
14    public static DiagnosticDefinition<INamedType> MementoTypeMustBeProtected
15        = new("MEMENTO02", Severity.Error,
16            "The type '{0}' must be protected.");
18    public static DiagnosticDefinition<INamedType> MementoTypeMustNotBeSealed
19        = new("MEMENTO03", Severity.Error,
20            "The type '{0}' must be not be sealed.");
22    public static DiagnosticDefinition<(INamedType MementoType, IType ParameterType)>
23        MementoTypeMustHaveConstructor
24            = new("MEMENTO04", Severity.Error,
25                "The type '{0}' must have a constructor with a single parameter of type '{1}'.");
27    public static DiagnosticDefinition<IConstructor> MementoConstructorMustBePublicOrProtected
28        = new("MEMENTO05", Severity.Error,
29            "The constructor '{0}' must be public or protected.");

We can then validate the code.

22        var isBaseMementotable = builder.Target.BaseType?.Is( typeof(IMementoable) ) == true;
24        INamedType? baseMementoType;
25        IConstructor? baseMementoConstructor;
26        if ( isBaseMementotable )
27        {
28            var baseTypeDefinition = builder.Target.BaseType!.Definition;
29            baseMementoType = baseTypeDefinition.Types.OfName( "Memento" )
30                .SingleOrDefault();
32            if ( baseMementoType == null )
33            {
34                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
35                    DiagnosticDefinitions.BaseTypeHasNoMementoType.WithArguments(
36                        baseTypeDefinition ) );
37                builder.SkipAspect();
38                return;
39            }
41            if ( baseMementoType.Accessibility !=
42                 Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility.Protected )
43            {
44                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
45                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoTypeMustBeProtected.WithArguments(
46                        baseMementoType ) );
47                builder.SkipAspect();
48                return;
49            }
51            if ( baseMementoType.IsSealed )
52            {
53                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
54                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoTypeMustNotBeSealed.WithArguments(
55                        baseMementoType ) );
56                builder.SkipAspect();
57                return;
58            }
60            baseMementoConstructor = baseMementoType.Constructors
61                .FirstOrDefault( c => c.Parameters.Count == 1 &&
62                                      c.Parameters[0].Type.Is( baseTypeDefinition ) );
64            if ( baseMementoConstructor == null )
65            {
66                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
67                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoTypeMustHaveConstructor
68                        .WithArguments( (baseMementoType, baseTypeDefinition) ) );
69                builder.SkipAspect();
70                return;
71            }
73            if ( baseMementoConstructor.Accessibility is not (Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility
74                    .Protected or Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility.Public) )
75            {
76                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
77                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoConstructorMustBePublicOrProtected
78                        .WithArguments( baseMementoConstructor ) );
79                builder.SkipAspect();
80                return;
81            }
82        }
83        else
84        {
85            baseMementoType = null;
86            baseMementoConstructor = null;
87        }

For details regarding error reporting, see Reporting and suppressing diagnostics.

Step 2. Specifying the OverrideAction

By default, advising methods such as IntroduceClass or IntroduceMethod will fail if the same member already exists in the current or base type. To specify how the advising method should behave in this case, we must supply an OverrideStrategy to the whenExists parameter. The default value is Fail. We must change it to Ignore, Override, or New:

  • When using IntroduceClass to introduce the Memento nested class, we use New.
  • When using IntroduceMethod to introduce SaveToMemento or RestoreMemento, we use Override.
  • When using ImplementInterface to implement IMemento or IMementoable, we use Ignore.

Step 3. Setting the base type and constructor of the Memento type

Now that we know if there is a valid base type, we can modify the logic that introduces the nested class and set the BaseType property.

91        // Introduce a new private nested class called Memento.
92        var mementoType =
93            builder.IntroduceClass(
94                "Memento",
95                whenExists: OverrideStrategy.New,
96                buildType: b =>
97                {
98                    b.Accessibility = Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility.Protected;
99                    b.BaseType = baseMementoType;
100                } ); 

If we have a base class, we must also instruct the introduced constructor to call the base constructor. This is done by setting the InitializerKind property. We then call the AddInitializerArgument method and pass the IParameterBuilder returned by AddParameter.

134        mementoType.IntroduceConstructor( 
135            nameof(this.MementoConstructorTemplate),
136            buildConstructor: b =>
137            {
138                var parameter = b.AddParameter( "originator", builder.Target );
140                if ( baseMementoConstructor != null )
141                {
142                    b.InitializerKind = ConstructorInitializerKind.Base;
143                    b.AddInitializerArgument( parameter );
144                }
145            } ); 

Step 4. Calling the base implementation from RestoreMemento

Finally, we must edit the RestoreMemento template to ensure it calls the base method if it exists. This can be done by simply calling meta.Proceed(). If a base method exists, it will call it. Otherwise, this call will be ignored.

196    [Template]
197    public void RestoreMemento( IMemento memento )
198    {
199        var buildAspectInfo = (BuildAspectInfo) meta.Tags.Source!;
201        // Call the base method if any.
202        meta.Proceed();
204        var typedMemento = meta.Cast( buildAspectInfo.MementoType, memento );
206        // Set fields of this instance to the values stored in the Memento.
207        foreach ( var pair in buildAspectInfo.PropertyMap )
208        {
209            pair.Key.Value = pair.Value.With( (IExpression) typedMemento ).Value;
210        }
211    }

Complete aspect

Here is the MementoAttribute, now supporting class inheritance.

1using DefaultNamespace;
2using Metalama.Framework.Advising;
3using Metalama.Framework.Aspects;
4using Metalama.Framework.Code;
7public sealed class MementoAttribute : TypeAspect 
9    [CompileTime]
10    private record BuildAspectInfo(
11        // The newly introduced Memento type.
12        INamedType MementoType,
13        // Mapping from fields or properties in the Originator to the corresponding property
14        // in the Memento type.
15        Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IProperty> PropertyMap,
16        // The Originator property in the new Memento type.
17        IProperty? OriginatorProperty );
19    public override void BuildAspect( IAspectBuilder<INamedType> builder )
20    {
22        var isBaseMementotable = builder.Target.BaseType?.Is( typeof(IMementoable) ) == true;
24        INamedType? baseMementoType;
25        IConstructor? baseMementoConstructor;
26        if ( isBaseMementotable )
27        {
28            var baseTypeDefinition = builder.Target.BaseType!.Definition;
29            baseMementoType = baseTypeDefinition.Types.OfName( "Memento" )
30                .SingleOrDefault();
32            if ( baseMementoType == null )
33            {
34                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
35                    DiagnosticDefinitions.BaseTypeHasNoMementoType.WithArguments(
36                        baseTypeDefinition ) );
37                builder.SkipAspect();
38                return;
39            }
41            if ( baseMementoType.Accessibility !=
42                 Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility.Protected )
43            {
44                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
45                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoTypeMustBeProtected.WithArguments(
46                        baseMementoType ) );
47                builder.SkipAspect();
48                return;
49            }
51            if ( baseMementoType.IsSealed )
52            {
53                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
54                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoTypeMustNotBeSealed.WithArguments(
55                        baseMementoType ) );
56                builder.SkipAspect();
57                return;
58            }
60            baseMementoConstructor = baseMementoType.Constructors
61                .FirstOrDefault( c => c.Parameters.Count == 1 &&
62                                      c.Parameters[0].Type.Is( baseTypeDefinition ) );
64            if ( baseMementoConstructor == null )
65            {
66                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
67                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoTypeMustHaveConstructor
68                        .WithArguments( (baseMementoType, baseTypeDefinition) ) );
69                builder.SkipAspect();
70                return;
71            }
73            if ( baseMementoConstructor.Accessibility is not (Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility
74                    .Protected or Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility.Public) )
75            {
76                builder.Diagnostics.Report(
77                    DiagnosticDefinitions.MementoConstructorMustBePublicOrProtected
78                        .WithArguments( baseMementoConstructor ) );
79                builder.SkipAspect();
80                return;
81            }
82        }
83        else
84        {
85            baseMementoType = null;
86            baseMementoConstructor = null;
87        }
91        // Introduce a new private nested class called Memento.
92        var mementoType =
93            builder.IntroduceClass(
94                "Memento",
95                whenExists: OverrideStrategy.New,
96                buildType: b =>
97                {
98                    b.Accessibility = Metalama.Framework.Code.Accessibility.Protected;
99                    b.BaseType = baseMementoType;
100                } ); 
102        var originatorFieldsAndProperties = builder.Target.FieldsAndProperties /* <SelectFields> */
103            .Where( p => p is
104            {
105                IsStatic: false,
106                IsAutoPropertyOrField: true,
107                IsImplicitlyDeclared: false,
108                Writeability: Writeability.All
109            } )
110            .Where( p =>
111                !p.Attributes.OfAttributeType( typeof(MementoIgnoreAttribute) )
112                    .Any() ); /* </SelectFields> */
114        // Introduce data properties to the Memento class for each field of the target class.
115        var propertyMap = new Dictionary<IFieldOrProperty, IProperty>(); /* <IntroduceProperties> */
117        foreach ( var fieldOrProperty in originatorFieldsAndProperties )
118        {
119            var introducedField = mementoType.IntroduceProperty(
120                nameof(this.MementoProperty),
121                buildProperty: b =>
122                {
123                    var trimmedName = fieldOrProperty.Name.TrimStart( '_' );
125                    b.Name = trimmedName.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpperInvariant() +
126                             trimmedName.Substring( 1 );
127                    b.Type = fieldOrProperty.Type;
128                } );
130            propertyMap.Add( fieldOrProperty, introducedField.Declaration );
131        } /* </IntroduceProperties> */
133        // Add a constructor to the Memento class that records the state of the originator.
134        mementoType.IntroduceConstructor( 
135            nameof(this.MementoConstructorTemplate),
136            buildConstructor: b =>
137            {
138                var parameter = b.AddParameter( "originator", builder.Target );
140                if ( baseMementoConstructor != null )
141                {
142                    b.InitializerKind = ConstructorInitializerKind.Base;
143                    b.AddInitializerArgument( parameter );
144                }
145            } ); 
148        // Implement the IMemento interface on the Memento class and add its members.   
149        mementoType.ImplementInterface( typeof(IMemento),
150            whenExists: OverrideStrategy.Ignore ); 
152        var introducePropertyResult = mementoType.IntroduceProperty(
153            nameof(this.Originator),
154            whenExists: OverrideStrategy.Ignore );
155        var originatorProperty = introducePropertyResult.Outcome == AdviceOutcome.Default
156            ? introducePropertyResult.Declaration
157            : null;
162        // Implement the rest of the IOriginator interface and its members.
163        builder.ImplementInterface( typeof(IMementoable), OverrideStrategy.Ignore );
165        builder.IntroduceMethod(
166            nameof(this.SaveToMemento),
167            whenExists: OverrideStrategy.Override,
168            buildMethod: m => m.IsVirtual = !builder.Target.IsSealed,
169            args: new { mementoType = mementoType.Declaration } );
171        builder.IntroduceMethod(
172            nameof(this.RestoreMemento),
173            buildMethod: m => m.IsVirtual = !builder.Target.IsSealed,
174            whenExists: OverrideStrategy.Override );
176        // Pass the state to the templates.
177        builder.Tags = new BuildAspectInfo( mementoType.Declaration, propertyMap, /* <SetTag> */
178            originatorProperty ); /* </SetTag> */
179    }
181    [Template] public object? MementoProperty { get; }
183    [Template] public IMementoable? Originator { get; }
185    [Template]
186    public IMemento SaveToMemento()
187    {
188        var buildAspectInfo = (BuildAspectInfo) meta.Tags.Source!; /* <GetTag> */
189        /* </GetTag> */
191        // Invoke the constructor of the Memento class and pass this object as the originator.
192        return buildAspectInfo.MementoType.Constructors.Single()
193            .Invoke( (IExpression) meta.This )!;
194    }
196    [Template]
197    public void RestoreMemento( IMemento memento )
198    {
199        var buildAspectInfo = (BuildAspectInfo) meta.Tags.Source!;
201        // Call the base method if any.
202        meta.Proceed();
204        var typedMemento = meta.Cast( buildAspectInfo.MementoType, memento );
206        // Set fields of this instance to the values stored in the Memento.
207        foreach ( var pair in buildAspectInfo.PropertyMap )
208        {
209            pair.Key.Value = pair.Value.With( (IExpression) typedMemento ).Value;
210        }
211    }
213    [Template] /* <ConstructorTemplate> */
214    public void MementoConstructorTemplate()
215    {
216        var buildAspectInfo = (BuildAspectInfo) meta.Tags.Source!;
218        // Set the originator property and the data properties of the Memento.
219        if ( buildAspectInfo.OriginatorProperty != null )
220        {
221            buildAspectInfo.OriginatorProperty.Value = meta.Target.Parameters[0];
222        }
223        else
224        {
225            // We are in a derived type and there is no need to assign the property.
226        }
228        foreach ( var pair in buildAspectInfo.PropertyMap )
229        {
230            pair.Value.Value = pair.Key.With( meta.Target.Parameters[0] ).Value;
231        }
232    } /* </ConstructorTemplate> */