MetalamaAPI documentationFlashtrace APIFlashtraceFlashtrace­Source
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FlashtraceSource Class

Allow to write log messages and trace the execution of activities.

Namespace: Flashtrace
Assembly: Flashtrace.dll
public sealed class FlashtraceSource : Object

Instances of this class are immutable.

You should typically have one instance of this class per type. Use Get() to get an instance of this class for the current type.


Name Description

Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the Critical severity.


Abstraction of the Logging facility, through which other components emit their log records.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the Debug severity.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the default severity of the current FlashtraceSource. The default severity is Debug, unless it has been overwritten by the WithLevels(FlashtraceLevel, FlashtraceLevel) method.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the Error severity.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the default failure severity of the current FlashtraceSource. The default severity is Error, unless it has been overwritten by the WithLevels(FlashtraceLevel, FlashtraceLevel) method.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the Info severity.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the None severity. Such messages and activities are never displayed, but the activities can define properties that can be inherited to children activities and messages.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the Trace severity.


Gets a FlashtraceLevelSource that can be used to write messages and open activities with the Warning severity.


Name Description
ApplyTransactionRequirements(ref OpenActivityOptions)

Evaluates whether a transaction needs to be open for a specified OpenActivityOptions and updates its TransactionRequirement property. This method must be invoked before calling OpenActivity<T>(in T, in OpenActivityOptions). It is not automatically called.


Gets a new FlashtraceSource keeping all the configuration of the current instance, but for the calling type.

ForCurrentType(in CallerInfo)

Gets a new FlashtraceSource keeping all the configuration of the current instance, but for a source name.


Gets a new FlashtraceSource keeping all the configuration of the current instance, but for a different type.


Gets a FlashtraceSource for the calling type.

Get(in CallerInfo)

Gets a log source associated with a specific source name.

Get(String, FlashtraceRole)

Gets a log source for a specified role and source name.

Get(Type, FlashtraceRole)

Gets a log source for a specified role and Type.


Determines whether logging is enabled in the current FlashtraceSource for a given FlashtraceLevel.


Exposes methods that allow to write messages and open activities with a specified FlashtraceLevel.

WithLevels(FlashtraceLevel, FlashtraceLevel)

Returns a new FlashtraceSource based on the current instance, but overrides the default logging levels.


Emits a log record with the source file and line of the caller.

WriteExecutionPoint(in CallerInfo)