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Interface IEventBinding

In PostSharp, a binding was a run-time object that allowed the run-time code of the aspect to call the target code. In Metalama, aspects no longer have run-time code. Instead, they have templates that are expanded at compile time and generate run-time code. Templates can generate run-time code that accesses target code using dynamic code or invokers. For events, use meta.Target.Event.Add(dynamic?), Remove(dynamic?) or Raise(params dynamic?[])

Namespace: PostSharp.Aspects
Assembly: Metalama.Migration.dll
[Obsolete("In PostSharp, a binding was a run-time object that allowed the run-time code of the aspect to call the target code. In Metalama, aspects no longer have run-time code. Instead, they have templates that are expanded at compile time and generate run-time code. Templates can generate run-time code that accesses target code using dynamic code or invokers. For events, use 'meta'.'meta.Target'.'IMetaTarget.Event'.'IEventInvoker.Add(dynamic?)', 'IEventInvoker.Remove(dynamic?)' or 'IEventInvoker.Raise(params dynamic?[])'", false)]
public interface IEventBinding


Name Description
AddHandler(ref object, Delegate)

In Metalama, use meta.Target.Event.Add(dynamic?).

InvokeHandler(ref object, Delegate, Arguments)

In Metalama, generate run-time code that invokes the handler.

RemoveHandler(ref object, Delegate)

In Metalama, use meta.Target.Event.Remove(dynamic?).