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Namespace PostSharp.Aspects.Advices




Advice is not represented by classes in Metalama, but can be added using methods of IAdviceFactory.


In Metalama, there is no declarative way to bind advice parameters. Instead, Metalama uses a programmatic approach, where the advice can get the desired value using the code model. In Metalama, template parameters can be marked as compile-time using CompileTimeAttribute, otherwise they are run-time. Run-time parameters must match the target parameter by name. Compile-time parameters must be supplied by the advice factory method (see IAdviceFactory).


In Metalama, run-time advice parameters are matched by name, not by index. If you need to get a parameter by index, use meta.Target.Parameters[index].Value. from the template.


In Metalama, do not use a parameter but use meta.Target.Parameters.ToValueArray() from the template implementation.


There is no equivalent in Metalama. You need to generate, in the template, code that assigns a local variable to a value that is unique within the process.


There is no equivalent in Metalama, and there is currently no way to implement this feature differently.


There is no equivalent in Metalama, and there is currently no way to implement this feature differently.


There is no equivalent in Metalama, and there is currently no way to implement this feature differently.


Bindings do not exist in Metalama. Instead, use invokers (e.g. IMethod.IMethod.Invoke(object[])) to generate run-time code that invokes the desired method or accesses the property or event.


In Metalama, all custom attributes except Metalama ones are copied from the template to the introduced declaration.


There is no equivalent in Metalama, and there is currently no way to implement this feature differently.


There is no equivalent to this feature in Metalama, but you can use a template to generate equivalent code.


In Metalama, use the IMember.Name property.


In PostSharp, this class allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access an event in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use invokers (e.g. IEvent.Add(dynamic?)) to generate run-time code for any event.


In Metalama, there is no need for FlowBehavior because the template is in full control of the generated code.



In Metalama, members of the target declaration do not need to be imported into the aspect. Instead, the aspect accesses the target code using dynamic code or invokers. To generate code that accesses a field or property, use IFieldOrProperty.Value.


In Metalama, members of the target declaration do not need to be imported into the aspect. Instead, the aspect accesses the target code using dynamic code or invokers.


In Metalama, members of the target declaration do not need to be imported into the aspect. Instead, the aspect accesses the target code using dynamic code or invokers. To generate code that calls a method, use IMethod.IMethod.Invoke(object[]). To generate code that accesses a field or property, use IFieldOrProperty.IFieldOrProperty.Value.


In Metalama, members of the target declaration do not need to be imported into the aspect. Instead, the aspect accesses the target code using dynamic code or invokers. To generate code that calls a method, use IMethod.Invoke(params dynamic?[]).


In Metalama, use builder.Advice.AddInitializer(INamedType, string, InitializerKind, object?, object?).


In Metalama, use builder.Advice.ImplementInterface(INamedType, INamedType, OverrideStrategy, object?).


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and call builder.Advice.ImplementInterface(INamedType, INamedType, OverrideStrategy, object?).


In Metalama, call one of the Introduce methods of builder.Advice.


In Metalama, use the IntroduceAttribute custom attribute.


In Metalama, call the builder.Advice.IntroduceMethod(INamedType, string, IntroductionScope, OverrideStrategy, Action<IMethodBuilder>?, object?, object?) method.


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and call builder.Advice.AddContract(IParameter, string, ContractDirection, object?, object?).


In a template applied to a field or property, the field or property value can be represented as a parameter named value. The type of this parameter must be dynamic or be compatible with the field or property type.


In Metalama, use a foreach loop in the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method, iterate builder.Target.INamedType.Methods, and add advice using methods of builder.Advice.


In Metalama, use a foreach loop in the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method, iterate the code model exposed on builder.Target, and add advice using methods of builder.Advice.


In Metalama, you should use a programmatic approach. Use a foreach loop in the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method, iterate the code model exposed on builder.Target, and add advice using methods of builder.Advice.


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.AddInitializer(INamedType, string, InitializerKind, object?, object?).


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.OverrideAccessors(IEvent, string?, string?, string?, object?, object?)


There is no equivalent to this feature in Metalama.


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.OverrideAccessors(IEvent, string?, string?, string?, object?, object?)


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.AddInitializer(INamedType, string, InitializerKind, object?, object?).


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.AddInitializer(INamedType, string, InitializerKind, object?, object?).


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice. or Override(IFieldOrProperty, string, object?).


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.OverrideAccessors(IEvent, string?, string?, string?, object?, object?) or Override(IFieldOrProperty, string, object?)


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.OverrideAccessors(IEvent, string?, string?, string?, object?, object?).


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice..


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice..


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice..


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice..


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice..


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice.Override(IFieldOrProperty, string, object?).


There is no equivalent to this advice in Metalama and it is currently not possible to build the equivalent feature.


In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method and use builder.Advice..


There is no equivalent to this advice in Metalama and it is currently not possible to build the equivalent feature.


In Metalama, use a foreach loop in the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method, iterate the code model exposed on builder.Target, and add advice using methods of builder.Advice.


In PostSharp, this class allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access a property in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IProperty.Value to generate run-time code for any property.

Property<TValue, TIndex>

In PostSharp, this class allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access an indexer in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IIndexer.GetValue(params dynamic?[]) and IIndexer.SetValue(dynamic?, params dynamic?[]) to generate run-time code for any indexer.


In Metalama, call meta.Proceed in the template and store the value in a local variable.


In Metalama, use a foreach loop in the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method,use advice using methods of builder.Advice and pass builder.Target as the target declaration.


In Metalama, use a foreach loop in the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) method, iterate the code model exposed on builder.TargetMethods, and add advice using methods of builder.Advice.


In Metalama, use a local variable in the template.


In Metalama, use meta.This in the template.



In Metalama, implement the BuildAspect(IAspectBuilder<T>) and use the methods of the IAdviceFactory interface exposed on IAspectBuilder<TAspectTarget>.Advice.


In PostSharp, this interface allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access a property in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IProperty.Value to generate run-time code for any property.



There is no equivalent to this advice in Metalama because there is no concept of run-time aspect initialization.


In Metalama, use OverrideStrategy.


In Metalama, equivalent functionality can be achieved using InvokerOptions. You can pass an InvokerOptions to the With method of the member or invoker (e.g. IMethod.IMethod.With).


In Metalama, equivalent to OverrideStrategy.


In Metalama, equivalent to OverrideStrategy.


No equivalent in Metalama.



In PostSharp, this delegate allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access an event in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use invokers (e.g. IEvent.IEvent.Add) to generate run-time code for any event.


In PostSharp, this delegate allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access a property in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IProperty.Value to generate run-time code for any property.

PropertyGetter<TValue, TIndex>

In PostSharp, this delegate allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access an indexer in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IIndexer.GetValue(params dynamic?[]) and IIndexer.SetValue(dynamic?, params dynamic?[]) to generate run-time code for any indexer.


In PostSharp, this delegate allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access a property in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IProperty.Value to generate run-time code for any property.

PropertySetter<TValue, TIndex>

In PostSharp, this delegate allowed the run-time code of the aspect to access an indexer in the target code. In Metalama, no run-time helper is required because the template directly generates run-time code. Use IIndexer.GetValue(params dynamic?[]) and IIndexer.SetValue(dynamic?, params dynamic?[]) to generate run-time code for any indexer.