Open sandboxFocus

Method SelectMany

SelectMany<TMember>(Func<TDeclaration, IEnumerable<TMember>>)

Projects each declaration of the current set to an IEnumerable<T> (typically a list of child declarations) and flattens the resulting sequences into one set.

IValidatorReceiver<TMember, out TTag> SelectMany<TMember>(Func<out TDeclaration, IEnumerable<TMember>> selector) where TMember : class, IDeclaration
Type Name Description
Func<TDeclaration, IEnumerable<TMember>> selector
Type Description
IValidatorReceiver<TMember, TTag>
Type Parameters
Name Description

The query on the right part of SelectMany is executed concurrently. It is therefore preferable to use the Where, Select or SelectMany methods of the current interface instead of using the equivalent system methods inside the selector query.

SelectMany<TMember>(Func<TDeclaration, TTag, IEnumerable<TMember>>)

Projects each declaration of the current set to an IEnumerable<T> (typically a list of child declarations) and flattens the resulting sequences into one set. This overload does supplies the tag to the selector delegate.

IValidatorReceiver<TMember, out TTag> SelectMany<TMember>(Func<out TDeclaration, out TTag, IEnumerable<TMember>> selector) where TMember : class, IDeclaration
Type Name Description
Func<TDeclaration, TTag, IEnumerable<TMember>> selector
Type Description
IValidatorReceiver<TMember, TTag>
Type Parameters
Name Description

The query on the right part of SelectMany is executed concurrently. It is therefore preferable to use the Where, Select or SelectMany methods of the current interface instead of using the equivalent system methods inside the selector query.