PostSharpAPI ReferencePost­Sharp.​Patterns.​ThreadingThread­Aware­ExtensionsAcquire­Access
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ThreadAwareExtensions.AcquireAccess Method

AcquireAccess(IThreadAware, ObjectAccessLevel)

Acquires access to given object and returns the ConcurrentAccessToken.

public static ConcurrentAccessToken AcquireAccess(this IThreadAware instance, ObjectAccessLevel objectAccessLevel)
Type Name Description
IThreadAware instance

The instance for which access is required.

ObjectAccessLevel objectAccessLevel

The level of access required.

Type Description

A ConcurrentAccessToken that should be disposed when access is no longer required.


This method is guaranteed to acquire the controller of the instance object. Invoking the AcquireAccess(ObjectAccessLevel, ref ConcurrentAccessToken) method directly does not offer this guarantee, as the controller can be changed between the moment the ConcurrencyController property is retrieved and the moment the AcquireAccess(ObjectAccessLevel, ref ConcurrentAccessToken) is invoked.

AcquireAccess(IThreadAware, ObjectAccessLevel, ref ConcurrentAccessToken)

Acquires access for a given object and gets the ConcurrentAccessToken as a reference parameter.

public static void AcquireAccess(this IThreadAware instance, ObjectAccessLevel objectAccessLevel, ref ConcurrentAccessToken concurrentAccessToken)
Type Name Description
IThreadAware instance

The instance for which access is required.

ObjectAccessLevel objectAccessLevel

The level of access required.

ConcurrentAccessToken concurrentAccessToken

At output, a ConcurrentAccessToken that should be disposed when access is no longer required.


This method is guaranteed to acquire the controller of the instance object. Invoking the AcquireAccess(ObjectAccessLevel, ref ConcurrentAccessToken) method directly does not offer this guarantee, as the controller can be changed between the moment the ConcurrencyController property is retrieved and the moment the AcquireAccess(ObjectAccessLevel, ref ConcurrentAccessToken) is invoked.