MetalamaAPI documentationAspect APIMetalama.​Framework.​CodeMethod­Collection­ExtensionsOf­Compatible­Signature
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MethodCollectionExtensions.OfCompatibleSignature Method

OfCompatibleSignature(IMethodCollection, String, IReadOnlyList<Type>, Nullable<Boolean>)

Gets the list of methods with signatures compatible with specified constraints.

public static IEnumerable<IMethod> OfCompatibleSignature(this IMethodCollection methods, string name, IReadOnlyList<Type> argumentTypes, Nullable<bool> isStatic)
Type Name Description
IMethodCollection methods

A collection of methods.

String name

Name of the method.

IReadOnlyList<Type> argumentTypes

Constraint on reflection types of arguments. Nullitems in the list signify any type.

Nullable<Boolean> isStatic

Constraint on staticity of the method.

Type Description

Enumeration of methods matching specified constraints.

OfCompatibleSignature(IMethodCollection, String, IReadOnlyList<IType>, IReadOnlyList<Nullable<RefKind>>, Nullable<Boolean>)

Gets the list of methods with signatures compatible with specified constraints.

public static IEnumerable<IMethod> OfCompatibleSignature(this IMethodCollection methods, string name, IReadOnlyList<IType> argumentTypes, IReadOnlyList<Nullable<RefKind>> refKinds = null, Nullable<bool> isStatic)
Type Name Description
IMethodCollection methods

A collection of methods.

String name

Name of the method.

IReadOnlyList<IType> argumentTypes

Constraint on types of arguments. Nullitems in the list signify any type.

IReadOnlyList<Nullable<RefKind>> refKinds

Constraint on reference kinds of arguments. Nullitems in the list signify any reference kind.

Nullable<Boolean> isStatic

Constraint on staticity of the method.

Type Description

Enumeration of methods matching specified constraints.