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Metalama 2023.4

Platform Updates

Visual Studio 17.8 Readiness

The new Visual Studio version, which Microsoft is expected to release in a few days, will be based on .NET 8. To avoid incompatibilities with Metalama, we recommend updating your packages now to prevent design-time errors in your code after updating Visual Studio.

Please note that Metalama 2023.4 does not aim to provide complete support for .NET 8 and C# 12, only to avoid issues. Supporting the next version of the .NET stack will be the focus of Metalama 2024.0 and PostSharp 2024.0, which we expect to be generally available at the end of this month.

New features

Configuration framework

Complex and widely-used aspects often require a centralized, project-wide method for configuring compile-time behavior.

To address this need, we've built a new configuration framework within the Metalama.Framework.Options namespace. This framework enables aspect authors to design APIs that allow for the entire project, specific namespaces, or class families to be configured from a single line of code. Metalama.Framework.Options facilitates both programmatic configuration using fabric extension methods and declarative configuration via custom attributes. It also supports configuration inheritance from base types, extending even across project borders.

This new options framework is pivotal to Metalama Contracts, Metalama Caching, and other ready-made aspects currently in development.

Explore Making aspects configurable for an in-depth guide.

Metalama Contracts

With v2023.4, we're unveiling the first stable release of Metalama Contracts. This framework streamlines the application of Contract-Based Programming principles, a software engineering practice that significantly enhances software reliability and clarity. Within this paradigm, a contract establishes a series of obligations and expectations between a caller and a callee.

Metalama Contracts implements three core tenets of contract-based programming: preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.

For details, see Metalama.Patterns.Contracts.

Metalama Caching

Another highlight in v2023.4 is the stabilization of Metalama Caching, an open-source, aspect-oriented caching framework that simplifies the caching of method return values as a function of its parameters. Not only does it save a lot of boilerplate code, but it also practically eliminates inconsistencies in cache key generation and significantly reduces the complexities associated with cache dependencies.

Metalama Caching, a port of the battle-proven PostSharp Caching, has been overhauled to align with contemporary coding practices, including dependency injection, an immutability-centric approach for initialization, and the latest C# 11 features.

Dive into Metalama.Patterns.Caching for further insights.


Memoization is a simple yet highly efficient form of caching applicable to computed properties and parameterless methods. Unlike the key-value store approach of Metalama Caching, memoization stores values directly within the object itself and has no concept of a caching key whatsoever.

Consult Metalama.Patterns.Memoization for detailed information.

Observability (preview)

We are releasing a preview of our [Observable] aspect implementing INotifyPropertyChanged. It will be finalized and documented in Metalama 2024.1.

Additional Enhancements

  • Added MSBuild properties MetalamaCompileTimeTargetFrameworks and MetalamaRestoreSources to configure the compile-time target frameworks and to specify the package restore sources, respectively.
  • Added MSBuild property MetalamaCreateLamaDebugConfiguration to disable the creation of the LamaDebug build configuration.
  • Added a new member ICompilation.Cache to cache often-used declarations across aspect instances.
  • Dependency Injection aspect: IsRequired default value follows the nullability of the target field.
  • Added an environment variable METALAMA_TEMP to customize the location of the Metalama temp directory.
  • Annotations: a facility to add and query custom annotations. See IAnnotation, AdviserExtensions.AddAnnotation and <xref:Metalama.Framework.Code.DeclarationEnhancements1.GetAnnotations*?text=declaration.Enhancements().GetAnnotations().
  • IMemberOrNamedType.GetBase extension method: gets the base type or overridden member.
  • IAttribute.TryConstruct extension method: creates a CLR instance of a compile-time custom attribute.
  • ICompilation.GetAllAttributesOfType: gets all attributes of a given type in a project.
  • IMemberOrNamedType.Definition: navigates to the generic definition.
  • Location.ToDiagnosticLocation: converts a Roslyn Location into a Metalama IDiagnosticLocation.

Breaking Changes

We still indulge in introducing low-impact breaking changes in the compile-time API as we believe the platform is too young to enforce a strict forward-compatibility policy.

Bug fixes

We fixed 39 bugs before the GA of this version. For details, see the pre-release changelogs: