Open sandboxFocus

Constructor AspectInstance

AspectInstance(object, IAspect)

Initializes a new AspectInstance from a runtime aspect instance (IAspect).

public AspectInstance(object targetElement, IAspect aspect)
Type Name Description
object targetElement

Code element (Assembly, Type, FieldInfo, MethodBase, PropertyInfo, EventInfo, ParameterInfo, or LocationInfo) to which the current AspectInstance is applied.

IAspect aspect

The aspect runtime instance.

AspectInstance(object, IAspect, AspectConfiguration)

Initializes a new AspectInstance from a runtime aspect instance (IAspect) and its AspectConfiguration.

public AspectInstance(object targetElement, IAspect aspect, AspectConfiguration aspectConfiguration)
Type Name Description
object targetElement

Code element (Assembly, Type, FieldInfo, MethodBase, PropertyInfo, EventInfo, ParameterInfo, or LocationInfo) to which the current AspectInstance is applied.

IAspect aspect

The aspect runtime instance.

AspectConfiguration aspectConfiguration

The aspect configuration (the type of this parameter should be equal to the type configuration objects expected by the concrete aspect).

AspectInstance(object, ObjectConstruction)

Initializes a new AspectInstance from an ObjectConstruction.

public AspectInstance(object targetElement, ObjectConstruction aspectConstruction)
Type Name Description
object targetElement

Code element (Assembly, Type, FieldInfo, MethodBase, PropertyInfo, EventInfo, ParameterInfo, or LocationInfo) to which the current AspectInstance is applied.

ObjectConstruction aspectConstruction

An ObjectConstruction instructing how the aspect instance should be constructed.

AspectInstance(object, ObjectConstruction, AspectConfiguration)

Initializes a new AspectInstance from an ObjectConstruction and specifies an AspectConfiguration object.

public AspectInstance(object targetElement, ObjectConstruction aspectConstruction, AspectConfiguration aspectConfiguration)
Type Name Description
object targetElement

Code element (Assembly, Type, FieldInfo, MethodBase, PropertyInfo, EventInfo, ParameterInfo, or LocationInfo) to which the current AspectInstance is applied.

ObjectConstruction aspectConstruction

An ObjectConstruction instructing how the aspect instance should be constructed.

AspectConfiguration aspectConfiguration

An optional configuration object whose type corresponds to the aspect type.