PostSharpAPI ReferencePost­Sharp.​Patterns.​Diagnostics.​CustomLogging­Property­OptionsLogging­Property­Options
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LoggingPropertyOptions Constructor

LoggingPropertyOptions(bool, bool, bool, bool, IFormatter)

Initializes a new LoggingPropertyOptions.

public LoggingPropertyOptions(bool isRendered = false, bool isInherited = false, bool isBaggage = false, bool isIgnored = false, IFormatter formatter = null)
Type Name Description
bool isRendered

Determines whether the property will be included in the log message. The default value is false, then the property is only available as an additional property, if this is supported by the backend.

bool isInherited

Determines whether the property is inherited from the parent activity to children activities and messages. The default value is true. When this property is set to false, IsBaggage is automatically set to false.

bool isBaggage

Determines whether the property is cross-process. The default value is false. When this property is set to true, IsInherited is automatically set to true.

bool isIgnored

Determines whether this property must be ignored by the VisitProperties<TVisitorState>(object, ILoggingPropertyVisitor<TVisitorState>, ref TVisitorState, in LoggingPropertyVisitorOptions) method.

IFormatter formatter

The formatter to be used to render the property value.